Friday, June 3, 2022

Indiana Dunes National Park: Kemil Beach, West Beach and Diana of the Dunes

After breakfast in my campsite, I packed up Millie and headed for the Indiana Dunes National Park's visitor center to get information on what to do and see. I discovered that the park's sights and landmarks stretch over several miles between the towns of Gary and Michigan City.
On the way, I stopped by Kemil Beach which included the "futuristic" homes that were built for the 1933 Chicago World Fair. The houses were not open for tours, but there were displays describing them. The photo below is one of the homes.
Starting with the western edge of the NP at West Beach, I hiked the Diana's Dune and the succession trail that ended at the shore of Lake Michigan and back to the parking lot. Unfortunately, I did not take the photo to show that I successfully completed the Diana of the Dunes Dare.
Also stopped to admire a panne, i.e. a "lake" created by a blowout in a dune that was just outside of the bath house at West Beach.
Took a break for lunch, stopping by Panera Bread in Portage and the Walmart across the street to stock up on a few essentials. Then it was back to a different part of the NP about 9 miles away for another hike to see more landmarks.

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